Heart Monitor Watch Review: the Polar Rs800

If you are in training, be sure to make the Polar Rs800 Heart Monitor Watch part of your program.  This watch is truly a necessity, it not only helps you arrange your sessions, it monitors and reports data back to you. Its functions are extraordinary.  You'll want to use it in conjunction with the Polar WearLink Transmitter, which will neutralize any unwanted signals or other problems.  In 1977 the Polar Brand specifically designed the EKG monitor for the Finnish Ski Team. They are now the leading competitor in the industry, making heart rate monitors for over thirty years.

Features and Functions

The Polar heart rate monitor includes a built-in altimeter that records accent, altitude and total meters climbed. When used in combination with the Stride Sensor Polar S3, its nano technology assures the users, they are getting the most accurate and consistent pace as well as speed, current cadence data and distance worked. The Polar ProTrainer Software 5 is another amazing feature which gives the user access to the most dynamic and advanced training software available today. It also works great for planning workout sessions then analysing the data for the sessions. It gives the user a well prepared training program that can be transferred to the Polar Rs800 heart monitor watch via its infrared connection.

The Polar Rs800 Heart Monitor Watch has many functions. If the owner's level of fitness and age are input, the device can give statistics for each exercise period, calculate heart rate, warn the user if the heart rate is not in the desired area, and present targets for the desired heart rate. The Polar Sports Zone feature keeps track of workout and training intensity also. If one wants to monitor the energy and calories that are expended while exercising, the Polar OwnCal function gives that information. All in all, the Polar Rs800 makes it easy for the user to tell when goals are attained.


A downside to the Polar Rs800 heart Monitor Watch is the need for additional purchases of extra features like the speed and cadence sensors. The cost can be overwhelming when you are required to purchase them separately. With that being said, if you are searching for a way to maximize your workout, it is a small price to pay. The Polar Rs800 premier monitor does cost a lot but it is well worth it.

The Polar Rs800 Heart Monitor Watch has numerous handy features. It includes a stop watch, has an alarm, and gives the date and time. The battery is easy to replace, the watch is water resistant at a depth of up to 50 meters, and it works with the Adidas AdiStar Fusion shoe. The many functions of this watch make it extremely useful for a wide variety of purposes. It would be hard to find a superior watch in the fitness and training market. The Polar Rs800 Heart Monitor Watch will help users reach their desired level of fitness.

Check here for more on another type of Heart Monitor Watch.
