The Pulse Monitor Review: ePulse Strapless Heart Rate Monitor

One of the problems with heart rate monitors today lies in their chest straps. These are the extra components which assist the watch collect heart rate readings and feed the end user. For the purpose of training and work outs, in order to be sure that you are doing exercises to the best of your abilities and that you are continuously moving on, you will need to train in the proper heart beat or rate zones. This is commonly known as the Aerobic heart rate. Without a heart monitor, it will be impossible to know if you are training at the right intensities.

When you have the Impact Sports Heart Monitor (also known as the e-Pulse Heart Monitor and Calorie Meter), you can be rest assured that your training will always be at the right intensities and without the nuisance of a chest strap because this is a strapless heart rate monitor. In addition to giving heart rate readings, this monitor also keeps tabs on calories. Wow! It accommodates not only professional athletes that are looking to maintain peak fitness but also average guys and girls that maybe looking to lose some weight. Do note that this Pulse Strapless Heart Rate Monitor does not make you lose the extra weight but merely assists in your training goals to achieve results.

This pulse monitor has functions that heart rate (along with maximum and minimum heart rates), average heart rate and calories that maybe burnt up during the workouts. Calories are energy that the body uses. If we do not burn up these calories, they ultimately build up and turn in to fat. This is why having a calorie meter is important. The accuracy and reliability of the e-Pulse heart rate monitor is also really great because it makes use of the very same microchip technology and light sensors that are found on hospital heart monitors.

Other basic yet innovative features that are found on this Pulse monitor include target heart zones, time duration display and many others. Have I also mentioned that this is a Strapless heart rate monitor? Well it is! Actually, this Pulse monitor was the very first heart monitor that fits on a persons arm. This monitor from Impact Sports has also been called “People’s Fitness Monitor”. This monitor is certainly excellent for both men and women and is comfortable to wear and does not get in the way. This heart monitor is also great over a range of sporting activities ranging from running and aerobics to tennis and golf.

There are many heart monitor watches out there today but most of them come with chest straps that are at times not comfortable at all. With this Pulse Monitor you can really be assured of training at the right intensities. Whether you are a beginner or professional athlete, the e Pulse Monitor is the perfect training tool.