The Ultimate Heart Rate Watch: Garmin 310

A heart rate watch or monitor is an important tool for workouts and fitness training. It is important for professional athletes and to all who use it, around the globe, to enhance their training. The make-up of the average monitor is to track heart beats, or rate and give feedback to the user that will help them improve in areas of their work outs. The make up of the average watch is to tell time. What is the purpose of a heart rate watch? What are the benefits? The heart monitor watch has developed into more than just a heart rate reader. It is a tool that tells time, gives the date, provides calorie and energy expenditure reading and creates training programs and routines for the user. Garmin has been a leader in this industry. Here is short review of the new Garmin 310xt Heart Monitor Watch.

Features and Strengths

The major tag line for the Garmin 310xt covers its capability to be submerged in water without upsetting the watch. Actually, this Garmin monitor is among the very first few swim proof GPS watches. The GPS attributes on this Forerunner monitor is even the most recent in the business. Among the major attractions to the Garmin 310xt is that it works well over a number of sporting activities right from running and cycling to swimming. It is the ideal tool for triathletes in that they could move directly out of the water and onto the bike without upsetting their training information.

Additional attributes on the Garmin 310xt Heart Rate Watch comprise a display screen resolution of 160 x 100 pixels which is very clear. It is even water resistant to a depth of 50 meters, has a rechargeable lithium-ion battery that remains charged normally for about 20 hours and has lap record recalling of up to 1000 laps. One more nice fact about this Garmin Heart Rate Watch is that it is actually very user friendly. It is available with an excellent sized screen and big buttons that make it simple to press particularly when you are truly into your workouts and fitness training.


To this heart monitor here are only a few drawbacks. The heart rate feature comes separately to the watch is the first. For other accessories that are for the 310xt this is also the same. When you purchase all the extras the price can go up quite a bit. However, it will benefit you the most in the long run. When the user is in the water, the other problem is that the Garmin 310 can not record training data. It does however keep data intact from other training routines, though it does not record data.

The Garmin 310xt Forerunner is a super heart rate monitor that will most likely be a hot item. This great monitor is on par with the very popular Polar bigger heart monitors like F11 and Rs800. Also, the Garmin 310xt price is in the same range as that of the Polar heart rate watches. This Heart Rate Watch is an excellent monitor to facilitate the tracking of your exercise and weight loss goals.